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ConnectionLog iOS Mobile Application

As a college student, I have attended various events that present the opportunity to network and make connections. Every connection we make can be invaluable to us in the future in ways we may or may not expect. Thanks to LinkedIn, it’s very easy to connect with people and establish your network. However, as I was expanding my network and having interesting conversations with people, I realized, down the line, I probably won’t remember these conversations or whether I even really met these people or just added them to my network from the “people you may know” page on my LinkedIn.

So, I decided to develop an app that allows users to keep track of their connections and make them easily available in the future. This was my first experience developing a mobile application, so ConnectionLog is currently a relatively simple application. Users can add new connections, which get inputted in a dynamic table view. For each connection the user can input information such as job title, phone number, company, etc. In the “Talking Points” section users can input information about where they met the connection, what they talked about, and personal information about the person such as their interests. Thus, users can reach out to these connections in the future without feeling like they’re talking to complete strangers. Users can search through their connections based on any keyword, rather than just names. So, say in the future you become interested in jobs in the clean technology industry. A quick search for “clean tech” can show you connections you have made who could provide you with advice for your endeavors. ConnectionLog also allows for uploading images, making calls, sending emails, setting connections as favorites, and creating custom calendar events within the app.

The following videos display some of the functionalities of the current version of the app:

Users can create custom calendar events that get added to Apple’s calendar app. ConnectionLog also keeps track of the last time an event has been scheduled for each connection for user reference.
Images can be uploaded from the user’s phone gallery to set a profile picture for each connection!

I stored all the connections (including all their information) in a database using SQLite. The application’s table view is loaded by reading in the data from the database. Users can add, edit, and delete connections. After any of these actions are executed, an insert, update, or delete statement is sent to execute the change in the database. Then, the table is reloaded.

Each object in the database is read in as an object of the Connection class which is defined elsewhere. Each object is added to an array of Connection objects which is used to populate the table view.

For organization, I created a different file for each view of the app. So, I had to pass the necessary information from one view to the next when the app switches views. For instance, when the user selects a connection from the table view, the program has to pass the details about that connection onto the new view that displays the details. Also, when a new connection is created, the connection’s details have to be passed back to the table view so that the database and the table can be updated with the new content. This was one of the more difficult concepts for me to implement effectively and efficiently.

The above code shows how data is passed back to the table view when a new connection is created or a former one is changed. It reads in each of the text fields where the user has inputted information and uses it to initialize a Connection object that is then passed back to the table view, where it is handled to either add to the database or change an existent object in the database.
While searching, the table displays the appropriate connections and their matching text to the search bar in red. The displayed connections are still selectable while search bar is active.

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